Airbus is one of the leading aircraft manufactures in the world. Based in Toulouse France , airbus produces roughly half of the worlds planes. Airbus has many sites all around Europe and the world. It employs 57000 people at sites in the UK , Spain , France and Germany . Parts are made at these sites and taken to final production sites in Toulouse France , hamburg (Germany) and Seville (Spain). Airbuses wide range of plane models include the a300 , A310 , A319 , A320 , 321 ,A330 , A340 . Airbuses newest plane the Airbus a380 is the largest plane in the world - in this blog we will explore how airbus built parts of this plane all over Europe and took these parts all together to make this mighty flying machine.
The airbus a380 is the biggest passenger airliner in the world.it made its maiden flight on 27 April. At full capacity it can seat 853 peolpe. It has a range of 15,200 Km this is enough to fly from
Broughton -
Saint Nazaire -
Puerto Real - Spain - this facility maunfacteures and assembles parts of the airbus a380 rudder system. All these parts are then transported to toulouse for final assembly.
Buxtehude - Germany - Buxetehude is responsible for the the Cabin Intercommunication Data System, the Passenger Service Unit Channel, the complete Cabin Interior Lighting Package (about 1000 illumination components per ship set) and for the control computers of the water/waste system.
Nordenham – Germany - For the A380, the plant is producing fuselage shells for the forward and aft, or rear, fuselage sections of the aircraft, as well as the fuselage shell of the upper deck central section.
Stade –
Laupheim –